Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

New Zealand visas – Find Your Visa

Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

The Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) Resident Visa is designed for people with skills, qualifications, and experience that New Zealand needs. This visa allows people to live and work in New Zealand permanently.

You submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) detailing your skills, qualifications, and work experience. If your EOI scores enough points, you get invited to apply for residency.

You must

  • Be under 55 or younger.
  • Qualify for 6 points (up to 6 points from one of the three skill categories, combined with up to 3 points from skilled work experience in New Zealand)
  • Have a full-time job offer from an accredited New Zealand employer or current employment in a skilled occupation. You must earn at least the median wage.
  • Be proficient in English.
  • Meet the health and character requirements.


• Indefinite stay in New Zealand
• Full work rights
• Ability for family members to join you
• Access to public health care and education
• Pathway to permanent residency and citizenship


• Only for people with Bachelor or higher degrees, those earning at least 1.5 times the median wage, or those who need occupational registration
• Restricted to employment with accredited employers
• Must maintain eligibility criteria throughout the process