Immediate Skill Shortage List – Feb 2018 – 12 new occupations, 5 removed

Highway leading to a lake in New Zealand

What is the Immediate Skill Shortage List?

There are three Essential Skills in Demand Lists (ESID):

  1. Long Term Skills Shortage List (LTSSL)
  2. Immediate Skill Shortage List (ISSL)
  3. Canterbury Skills Shortage List (CSSL)

The ESID’s identify occupations that have an immediate (ISSL and CSSL) or sustained and ongoing (LTSSL) shortage of skilled workers.ย The LTSSL en ISSL are reviewed once a year. The CSSL is reviewed about 3 times per year.

Occupations on the LTSSL have a shortage of skilled workers throughout New Zealand and often globally as well. For the Immediate Skill Shortage List the shortage of skilled workers can be regional or New Zealand wide.

There are more differences between the LTSSL and the ISSL. If you have an occupation that is on one of the ESID lists a visa application may be simpler and you may have more visa options to choose from. However, having an occupation that is on the Immediate Skill Shortage List only has an effect on Work Visa applications.

It is important to realize that you also must meet the criteria on the list to take advantage of the benefits. For a lot of occupations on the ISSL a region is specified. This means if you are an Accountant (and you meet the requirements on the list for that occupation) and you have a job offer in Dunedin, you will have to meet standard work visa requirements. But if you find a job in Wellington, your visa application is easier, especially for your employer.

What has changed?

12 occupations added

  • Accountant (General) (a)
  • Carpenter (b)
  • Carpenter and Joiner (b)
  • Fibrous Plasterer (b)
  • Joiner (b)
  • Midwife (b)
  • Motor Mechanic (General) (b)
  • Panelbeater (b)
  • Roof Plumber (c)
  • Roof Tiler (c)
  • Solid Plasterer (b)
  • Vehicle Painter (b)

(a)ย only for the Auckland/Upper North Island, Wellington and Canterbury/Upper South Island regions
(b)ย for all regions of New Zealand
(c)ย only for the Auckland/Upper North Island, Waikato/Bay of Plenty, Canterbury/Upper South Island and Otago/Southland regions

5 occupations removed

  • Dental Technician
  • Dentist
  • Medical Laboratory Technician (Phlebotomy and Histology Technicians)
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Poultry Farmer

What if my occupation is not on the list?

Don’t worry if your occupation is not on one of the ESIDย lists or if you do not meet the requirements of the list. You still may be able to apply for a work or resident visa. However, employers will have to meet the Labour Market Test. This is an assessment completed by Immigration New Zealand to see if there are no New Zealand citizens or residents available for the job you were offered.


45 Responses

  1. Hi Feija,
    This is my case in overall terms. I’m 38 years old and I have a 3 year course Degree in Teaching (Primary school, major in Physical Education) obtained in Spain and proven 12 years of experience working as a Primary and Middle school teacher in the United States, mostly Spanish as a Second Language and Physical Education but also Primary school in general terms. I already sent my qualifications to NZQA and waiting for the assessment outcome, that I expect to be a Bachelor’s level 7. Afterwards I will send my evaluation report to the Education Council with proof of my experience, professional development, appraisal info and references in order to gain registration and this way be able to apply for teaching positions.
    If these 2 steps go as expected, what is in your professional opinion the likelihood these days of getting a job offer? I read that there’s a dramatic shortage of both Primary and Secondary school teachers and they are recruiting them from overseas english speaking countries. I am from Spain but since I have more than 10 years of proven experience in USA I hope that my experience helps to boost my chances. I’ve also seen that Primary School teacher job is the ESID list for review, hopefully will be included is the LTSSL.
    My intention is to apply for a resident visa under the Skilled Migrant Category if I get a job offer since with the job offer I’d have more than the required 160 points. Is this a real possibility? As you can see I’m willing to work my way out to NZ but since my wife is currently at uni I guess the resident visa is our option because we can’t afford to pay the very expensive international student fees.
    Kind regards,
    Diego Gracia Plazas

  2. Dear Sir,

    How about if they change the list after we apply by 2 weeks and the Occupation was removed?

    What will happen to our application??

    1. Hi,

      If you submit an application while an occupation is still on a shortage list, the Case officer will take this into account and assess your application using the old list. Obviously, if you submit an application after a new list is published and your occupation is no longer on it, you are out of luck.

      Kind regards,

    1. Hi Jordan,

      You always have to prove you have a sufficient level of English. For most people, this means that they have to complete an IELTS or other approved English language test and obtain the minimum required score.
      If you are a citizen of Canada, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom or the United States of America, AND you have spent at least five years in work or education in one or more of those countries or Australia or New Zealand, you may be exempt from completing an English language test.
      The same applies to people who completed a recognised degree comparable to a level 7 Bachelor Degree or higher in one of the countries mentioned above (you must have studied in that country for a minimum period of 1 or 2 years depending on the level of the qualification).

      Kind regards,

  3. Hello Feija,
    I have a bachelor’s degree in Botany with 8 years experience as a school administrator. Prior to my bachelor’s degree, I also engage in apprentice training in car painting. I now have experience in car painting. Can I apply for a job as a car painter?

    1. Hi Owanari,

      For a work visa to be approved you need to show sufficiently that you are skilled for the job that is offered to you. For a Car Painter you need to show you have at least 3 years of work experience or an in New Zealand recognised qualification.

      Kind regards,

  4. I have checked the Immediate Skills Shortage list and my friendd’s profession is listed, along with a reference number – but it does not tell you how or where to apply for the position!! Where is this information?

    1. Hi,

      You just need to apply for jobs that are listed on job vacancy websites. Once you have secured a job offer, you can apply for a work visa. The list you refer to is just a list that has all the occupations in it where the government has recognised there is a shortage of well-qualified staff. It is not a list of job vacancies.

      Kind regards,

  5. Hi Feija,

    I am currently studying Post Graduate Certificate in Business (Level -8, 1 year course) the subjects are Accounting& Finance, Economics, Marketing and Organizational Behavior by previous background was in Science from overseas with bachelor degree.
    I have certificate of Accounting software like Xero and MyOB commonly used here in New Zealand.
    Definitely, I will get 3 year open work visa after completing my study.

    Now my question is that,
    With this qualification Can i work as an Accountant(ANZSCO level 1)or not ?
    because Accountant is in “Immediate skill shortage list” and required standard for accountant is ” A letter from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand or CPA Australia certifying that the applicant’s degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards CAANZ professional status in New Zealand or CPA Australia membership AND
    a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience”

    or what could be any option to get PR in future ? Or shall i have to search job for Manager post or Accountant job will opens path for me .


    1. Hi Michael,

      Anyone can work as an Accountant as the profession is not protected. Only Chartered Accountants require to go through a licensing/registration process. I doubt anyone will hire you as an Accountant though as this usually requires a Bachelor Degree in Accountancy. To become a Chartered Accountant you’ll need to complete specific courses that lead to registration. You may be able to get a job as Accounts Officer, but this is not a skilled occupation.

      Based on the information you have provided, I can’t really tell what your best option is. Feel free to send me your cv via the homepage of my website: (Ask a question form allows you to upload documents).

      Kind regards,

  6. Hi,
    I’m from Sri lanka,45 Y.Male.
    Wish to applying Telecommunication Technician 342414 NZ or Aus.
    My working experience in above field 14Y for Sri Lanka Government Department.
    But paper qualification as fallows

    City and Guild Telecommunication Technician certificate level- 4Y
    Telecommunication Technician NVQ 4 – 3Y
    (National vocational qualification Srilanka)

    Telecommunication Technician NVQ 5 – 1Y
    (National vocational qualification Srilanka)

    1. Hi Priyantha,

      To apply for a work or resident visa you’ll need a job offer from a New Zealand employer. Based on the information you provided, you may be able to apply for a work visa (I would need to see documents to be sure) if you find a job in New Zealand.

      For a resident visa application and possibly a work visa application, your qualifications need to be assessed in New Zealand to see if they meet the required level on the New Zealand qualifications framework.

      Kind regards,

  7. Hi,

    I am currently working as assistant accountant under working holiday visa which expires in October. If my employer wants to keep what I should do? Should I contact Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand for my qualification assessment (I have overseas bachelor degree)? Is it ok if I am working through recruitment company or it must be job offer straight from company? And for which is the shortest period the job offer should be?

    Thank you.

  8. Hi

    I’m from I India. Let me know is there any government approved visa which is for farm or agricultural work? If yes can you say it’s benefit? Can I accompany my spouse? How long this visa?

    1. Hi,

      You or your wife need a job offer from a New Zealand employer to apply for a work visa. For farm work, a visa (if granted) is issued for a maximum of 1 year(maximum of 3 1-year visas). You cannot accompany your spouse. You would have to apply for a general visitor visa (maximum of 9 months validity).

      Kind regards,

  9. Good day,
    My husband is planning to apply for SMC but sadly his skills job is not in the LTssl but in Canterbury list, and his current points is only 150, is he have a chance for SMC?

    1. Hi Elvira,

      If you can claim only 150 points there is no chance your EOI will be selected. It is a waste of time and money to submit an EOI.

      If you wish I can check to see if you claimed the correct number of points (a fee applies).

      Kind regards,

  10. hello
    i am from Algerie. 35 yrs old
    I am a beekeeper (Apiarist (121311) )
    how do I apply for a live-permanently visa. Do must I have to get a job offer from New Zealand?
    .Does having my job on the ISSL list give me a chance to get more points?
    Thank u

    1. Hi Oussama,

      You need a job offer in New Zealand. You probably need to apply for a work visa first. Most Beekeepers do not qualify for residency though (as a beekeeper and an Apiarist are 2 different occupations under Immigration New Zealand rules).

      The ISSL has no effect on resident visa applications. If you meet the requirements of this list, a work visa application may be simpler.

      Kind regards,

  11. Hi Feija,

    My name is Pere, 34yrs with 4yrs industry experience in scaffolding. Do you help source for jobs for your clients to enable me file for a work visa. Also, I’m newly married, Do you advice, i apply for myself or with my spouse? Thank you.

  12. I Score 165 Points, Is IELTS Manadatory for Residents of India. Also MBA (Master of Business Administration is considered Level 9 Rite.)

    I have created EOI but see below message. Would I be granted PR or just work permit & would that work permit allow my partner to work in New Zealand or will he have to apply Separately

    In order to be granted residence under the Skilled Migrant Category, you must be awarded points for skilled employment in New Zealand, or have a Doctorate or Master’s degree gained in New Zealand.

  13. Hi, how will i apply for a visa going to mew zealand .? I have my employer already they sent me a job offer . But my visa expired already . Can i still applied for working visa ?

    1. Hi Shield,

      If you are outside of New Zealand you can apply for a work visa.

      If you are still in New Zealand but do not have a valid visa, you are unlawful in the country and you can’t apply for a new visa. In this situation, it’s best to leave the country as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  14. Feija

    My son can claim 110 points and he has a degree in accounting and finance with 4 years experience. He could apply under immediate shortage list but the problem is, it is not possible to obtain a job offer when you are outside NZ. Most of the job offers are for Residents, or Work Visa holders.

    Based on the NZQA assesment his qualification is at level 7.

    Can you advice the best course of action.

    1. Hi Satter,

      Your son needs to ignore the sentence about needing to have a valid work visa or resident visa in order to apply for a job. I won’t say that it is not difficult to find a job while not in New Zealand, as it is, but with perseverance, he might be able to find a job.

      Please note that the immediate skill shortage list (ISSL) only applies to work visa applications, not resident visa applications. Based on the information you’ve provided, and assuming your son’s age is under 40, he can only claim 100 points. I also have doubts if your son meets the requirements of the ISSL.

      He might want to consider studying in NZ for a year.

      I would be happy to talk to your son (and you) about his options in a Consultation (a fee applies)

      Kind regards,

  15. Hi Feija,

    I am Reyna. Currently stay in New Zealand under working holiday visa. My visa will be expired on mid July. As for now, I wish to expand my career in New Zealand.

    I graduated as bachelors degree in chemical engineering from Malaysia. I have 2 years experience as a Production Engineer. Upon checking the point calculation, I just have 110/160. As I still not able to get job offer from employer.

    Do you think I could have chance to apply for work visa with only 110 points? Thank you.

    1. Hi Reyna,

      The points system only applies to resident visa applications. For work visa applications there is no point system. You do need a job offer from a New Zealand employer.

      There is no point in starting a resident visa application process if you can claim 110 points nad have no job offer. That is a waste of time and money.

      Kind regards,

    2. Hi Feija,

      Thank you for your clear explanation.

      Do I need to achieve certain minimum pay rate in order to apply work visa? Or as long as I have job offer then all will be good?

      Looking for your reply.

      Thank you.


    3. Hi Reyna,

      The pay rate and the skill level of the occupation determine the skill-band of the employment. The Skill band determines the maximum length of the work visa. For low-skilled employment, a maximum length of 1-year applies. For mid-skilled employment, this is 3 years. You have mid-skilled employment if your hourly rate is above $20.65 and you have a skill level 1, 2 or 3 occupation.

      Kind regards,

  16. I’m a member of CIMA and CPA Australia and I got 12 years work experience and currently holding a position of head of finance. I plan to go for one year post graduate then apply for job, so what’s the demand for my qualification and experience and how soon can I find a related job after completing my studies and which area mostly suited and which areas universities add more marks

  17. Dear Feija,

    I am currently in New Zealand for a working holiday program. I have 2 years experience in chemical engineer field and I wish to expand my career in New Zealand by applying the skilled migrant visa. Upon checking on the point indicator, I only have 110/160 points. I have approached few companies and they hardly offer me job offer because I do not have a valid work visa.

    Do you think I have chance to obtain skilled migrant visa?

    Best Regards,

    1. Hi Reyna,

      Without a job offer and only 110 points, you have no chance of obtaining a resident visa.

      You should persevere and try to find a job in your field of expertise. I refer clients to a job search agency that might be able to help with a job search.

      Kind regards,

  18. If an occupation is listed in the “Immediate skill shortage list”, does that give additional points when applying for skilled migrant visa?

    1. Hi Al,

      No, occupations on the Immediate Skill Shortage list only give a potential benefit to work visa applications. Only occupations listed on the Long Term Skil Shortage List qualify for additional points but only if the conditions of the list are met.

      Kind regards,

  19. Dear Feija,
    May I ask possibility for my brother in applying skilled migrant visa. he has been working in hotel and services for over 15 years. To date he is based in Qatar as a manager in food an beverage of a hotel and has held numerous position in hospitality and customer service from concierge, front desk,housekeeping and food and beverage service.

    Thank you

    1. Hi Pres,

      The information you provide is too limited for me to make an accurate assessment of your brother chances to obtain a resident visa.

      In general the following applies:
      – be able to claim 160 points (points and bonus points are for age, qualification, work experience and job offer in NZ)
      – be of good health and character and meet English language requirements
      – have a suitable job offer from a New Zealand employer that meets the income threshold

      Kind regards,

    2. Hello Feija

      I am from South Africa, and I am very interested in immigrating to NZ.I need advice. We are a family of 4. I have my own plumbing maintenance business and running for 18years now,but never obtain any plumbing papers I’m 46 years old. My wife is 45 and is currently busy with her NQF 4 in Real Estate and she have 3 years experience in sales, My oldest son is now 21 and busy with a internship as a professional accountant and my youngest son is 16 years old and busy with his grade 12 and interested in IT. I was hoping to hear from you what you think the best action is that we can take in immigrating to NZ.

      Kind regards,
      Christo Barnard

    3. Hi Christo,

      Your question is a bit too complex to answer here. I’ve sent you an email.

      Kind regards,