South Island Contribution work visa – your pathway to residence?

South Island Contribution Work Visa

The newly released South Island Contribution work visaย offers a pathway to residency. It’s for you if you have an Essential Skills work visa and have worked for 5 years continuously since 22 May 2012. You still have to be working and all your work must have been in the South Island.

The New Zealand government offers this pathway to a resident visa for a limited time. They wishย to recognise well-settled migrants who have made a contribution to New Zealand but who otherwise do not meet the requirements for a resident visa. You can wonder why this was limited to just the South Island as there are many migrants on the North Island whoย contribute to New Zealand and the economy for 5 years or more.

But back to the South Island Contribution visa. People who are eligible will get a 30 month Work to Residence work visa and can apply for residency after 24 months have passed. You need to have an offer of employment or proof of ongoing employment when you apply for the South Island contribution visa. After the resident visa is granted you need to stay in this employment for another 2 years.

Also be mindful that you may change jobs during this period but that you have to stay within the industry that is associated with theย occupation that is on your Essential Skills work visa at the time you apply for the South Island Contribution visa. You also need to stay in the same region.

Important Requirements

You must meet, among, others, the following requirements if you wish to apply for a South Island Contribution visa:

  • ย 55 years of age or younger when you apply for the South Island Contribution work visa
  • apply before 18 May 2018
  • hold an Essential Skills work visa and be in full time employment in the South Island
  • have held an Essential Skills work visa since, at least, 22 May 2012 and have been in continuous employment betweenย 22 May 2012 and 22 May 2017.
  • have an offer of employment for at least 24 months or proof of ongoing employment for at least 24 months
  • meet health and character requirements

Partner and Dependent Child(ren)

Your partner may be able to getย a work visa, while your dependent children might get a visitor, student or work visa depending on their circumstances. Their visas are valid for the same period as that of the principal applicant.

The possibility for dependent children to get a work visa is quite remarkable. Usually, dependent children only qualify for visitor or student visas. Because as soon as they work they are no longer seen as dependent.

Work visas for dependent children may be granted if the child is:

  • 19 years or younger
  • completed compulsory schooling up till the age of 16
  • are dependent at the time they apply

South Island Contribution Resident Visa

Once you hold a South Island Contribution work visa for 24 months you may apply for a resident visa. You must meet the same requirements as for the work visa, including for employment. At this point, you will have worked on the South Island for at least 7 years. A minimum of 5 years on your Essential Skills work visa and another 2 years on your South Island Contribution visa.

You may include your partner and dependent children in your resident visa application. When the visa is granted it will have conditions on it. One condition is that you must continue to work for another 2 years on the South Island in the industry associated with your occupation and in the region you have been working.

Want to know more?

Let me help you find out if you can apply for this visa. I will alsoย tell you what evidence you need.ย I can, of course, manage your application for you as well. Please contact me for a quote.

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[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Feija van Bokhoven is the Managing Director of Experienz Immigration as well as a Licensed Immigration Adviser. In this capacity she has helped numerous clients obtain a visa for New Zealand and helped them fulfill their dream of living in New Zealand. ย [/author_info] [/author]


51 Responses

  1. hi
    South Island Contribution work visa is still valid because i started work in Southland in 2015 so my 5years contribution will be on March 2020.
    if I’m eligible can you please send me more information to apply.

    1. Hi Neil,

      You no longer can apply for a South island Contribution visa. This category was closed.

      Kind regards,

  2. On what date will the updated occupations for 2019 on the long term and immediate skills shortage lists be released?

    1. Hi Bernard,

      I have no idea. Usually, it happens in February, but that hasn’t happened this year.
      There is talk about replacing the current skill shortage list with a regional based list. It may that this process is taking longer than expected.

      Kind regards,

  3. Hi Feija,

    I was granted a south island contribution visa just last April 2018. Everyone knows that this policy was made by the previous Government (National Gov’t) and at this time we got a new government (labor Gov’t), My question is do you think our government now will still give us what we expect on this visa once we will apply a residence under south island contribution visa?

    Thanks and Regards.

    1. Hi Keanry,

      I expect the current (and next government) to honor the visa pathway you are on. Meaning that you can apply for a resident visa when you have held the work to residence visa for at least 2 years (if you meet all the requirements). There are major changes to the work visa system proposed but I expect that this will not affect current visa holders. As far as I’m aware there are no plans in the near future to change the Residence from work policy that you would fall under.

      Kind regards,

  4. Hi my husband is currently holding a South Island Contribution Visa if we will apply for Resident Visa is the fee of $1800 includes us all (weโ€™re 4 in family including my husband) or we will pay fees for each one of us?

    Thank you

  5. HI feija! we have lived in the south island & under essential skills visa for the last 13 years–we have the south island work to residence visa & we can apply in August next year- when will apply for south island residence visa-i can include my partner but can i also include my child who is 21- & he is studying now & his student visa will expire in february next year—our visa is until 2020.Please advice

    1. Hi Zida,

      You can include dependent children in a resident visa application. Children up to 24 are considered dependent if they are:
      – single, and
      – have no children of their own, and
      – are total of substantially financially dependent on you (they do not have to live with you)

      Kind regards,

  6. Hi Feija I hope you are doing well ๐Ÿ™‚

    wondering if this visa works just for those dates that you have been writing here from 2012 to 2017, so my question would be is this visa still running I mean open for further people who could complete this time in 2019 for example? or it is just this visa for those bases and that’s it?

    thank u so much

    1. Hi Carla,

      It is no longer possible to submit an application for a South Island Contribution Visa. This was a temporary visa category that as of 22 May 2018 has been closed. It did only apply to people with 5 years work experience between May 2012 and May 2017.

      Kind regards,

  7. Hi Feija,
    Seems to be very limited information about SIC visa, is there any web page or anything where to get more info about the policy?
    I have the visa and I rang Immigration with a couple of questions and they told me that is pretty much “common sense” !! maybe somewhere online listing companies that belong to the same industry whitin a specific region…to help to find the right job if needs or wants to change?
    Thanks for your time

    1. Hi Agustin,

      What are your specific questions?

      I assume you have a South Island Contribution work visa. You can change your employer as long as it is in the same industry (and same region). So basically, it must be a similar type of company as that you work for now. So if you work in the dairy industry, you need to stay in the dairy industry. If you work in the Telecom sector, you need to stay in the ICT sector. It is very difficult to publish a list of companies as companies come and go and some might fit more industries.

      Kind regards,

  8. hi
    good morning
    i would like to ask some regarding South Island contribution visa. i has been working in south island since january 2014 and visa valid until june 2019 . may i eligible to apply SIC visa?
    i am looking your positive response

    1. Hi Amrit,

      No, I’m sorry you are not eligible to apply for a South Island Contribution visa. One of the requirements of this visa is that you must have worked on the South Island for 5 years between 22 May 2012 and 22 May 2017.

      Kind regards,

  9. hi Feija, my south island cotribution has been approved, my question is, can i still support my dependents since i am on essential skills and my employment is under lower skill? I am a dairy farmer by the way. thank you.

    1. Dear Ritz,

      Yes, you should be able to apply for visa for your dependents if you hold a South Island Contribution Visa. It is irrelevant what your previous visa was.

      Kind regards,

  10. Hi! I have granted a south island contribution visa over at canterbury selwyn district, do you know if i can move to ashburton district which is part of canterbury as well? I know they are the same region but some say its different. Can you give me insights about this please? Thanks

    1. Hi Jan,

      You must be employed in the industry and region specified on your visa label. According to the instructions, there are 7 regions on the South Island: Canterbury, Marlborough, Nelson, Otago, Southland, Tasman, and West Coast.

      If your visa label only specifies Canterbury as the region then you can work anywhere in that region. If the Selwyn district is mentioned on the visa label too (or in the visa approval letter), then you must stay in that district.

      If you want to be completely sure, you can email the Case Officer that handled your case.

      Kind regards,

  11. Hi Feija, my husband is been working in dairy farm since 01/11/2012 under a essential skill visa, he should apply to the south island contribution and try his luck? Regards.

    1. Dear Andrea,

      Although Immigration New Zealand has the discretion to approve visa applications that don’t meet the requirements entirely, I have doubts whether an application from your husband would be approved. He misses over 5 months of the mandatory 5 year period.

      On the other hand, if it’s the only option you have to qualify for a resident visa, you might give it a shot. As long as you are fully aware that he does not meet the requirements and a decline is very well possible (and you’ll lose the money you’ve paid).

      Good luck with your decision.

      Kind regards,

    2. Hi Noelito,

      I need more information to see if you can qualify for a resident visa. Please complete the contact form on the website and attach any relevant documents (e.g. your visa label, a cv and your employment contract).

      Thank you,

  12. Hi Feija,
    I’m working as painter in Christchurch since Jul/2014. Last year I applied for the same Work visa as always and I got a new visa until May/2020. Do you think is it possible for me apply for this visa?
    Thank you so Much

  13. Hi there , I read that after you granted resident visa under this category than condition is only to stay in same region not same industry

    1. Hi Angrej,

      Work visas granted under South Island Contribution work instructions are subject to the condition that the applicant must undertake employment that is:
      – in the industry associated with the occupation specified on their most recent Essential Skills work visa; and
      – in the region in which their current employment is situated

      Kind regards,

  14. Hi
    I am currently holding essential skill work visa and working with talent accredited employer.
    1) as per new policy for essential skills work visa holder will it affect on South Island Contribution visa.
    2) my talent employer have 3 sites and one of them is in Christchurch. So if I take transfer in Christchurch site will I be eligible on South Island contribution visa.
    How we can work out for getting residence visa on my current employer.
    As I am still with same employer since March 2016. Please provide me correct path.

  15. Hello Sir..I just want to inquire about my status, I’ll been a dairy worker under work visa for 9 years, but i work in northisland almost 5years..since 2008 to 2012, and i moved at southcanterbury june of 2013 up to present… My question is.. Can i apply the immmigration offer to to residence.thank you

    1. Dear Axel,

      You do not meet the requirements for a South Island Contribution Visa. If this is your only option at acquiring a resident visa, you might want to give it a shot. Immigration may be lenient to your situation as you have been in New Zealand for a long time.

      But it is a long shot as strictly speaking you do not meet the criteria.

      Kind regards,

  16. Hi Feija

    My aunt has been in the country on a essential skills visa for the past years, unfortunately she has just turned 56. Considering her contribution would they reconsider her application?


    1. Hi Rod,

      There is no age limit for Essential Skills visa. There is, however, for resident visa under the Skilled Migrant Category. And no, if you have turned 56, you are out of luck, and you are not able to apply.

      Kind regards,

  17. hi feija, i work in the dairy for more than 10 years in south island and have the south island contribution visa already. If i wish to change employer but on the same industry and same region would it affect my visa? and do i have to apply for variation of condition?

    1. Hi Jay,

      If you stay in the same industry and the same region as specified on your visa then you should be fine (no need to apply for Variation of Conditions. You must be really sure though that your new employer is in the same industry but I guess if you continue to work on a dairy farm you should be fine.

      Kind regards,

  18. Hi Feija, after i get the South Island Contribution work visa and i wish to change my employment but it’s still in the same region, is that possible?

    1. Hi Dan,

      You can change employment as long as your new job is:
      – in the industry associated with the occupation specified on your most recent Essential Skills work visa; and
      – in the region in which their current employment is situated

      Kind regards,

  19. Hey,
    I would really appreciate if you could help me out with some of my questions regarding the south island contribution visas. well i have been here in south island from end of 2011. At march 2012, i have got my open job search visa. I did work there for 1 year under open job search visa and then finally i applied for a work visa under essential skills. I am still working for them but i am bit confuse if i will be qualified for the south island contribution visa as i was on an open visa in the first year. So basically i have been in essential work visa for 4 year and 3 months. Just wondering as i have been working on same company for almost 6 years, i may have some chance.

    I was wondering if i would be qualified as i have been only working for them as a full time worker all these years.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    1. Hi Kumar,

      The requirements clearly state you need to have held am Essential Skills work visa for the 5 years between 22 May 2012 and 22 May 2017. Case Officers have a bit of leeway within the immigration instructions but as the policy is still quite new it is unclear how much leeway. The only way of knowing is to put in an application as long as you remember that you do not meet instructions so there is a fair chance the application will be declined.

      Please email me on if you wish to discuss further.

      Kind regards,

    1. Hi Marcio,

      The requirements clearly state you need to have held am Essential Skills work visa for the 5 years between 22 May 2012 and 22 May 2017. Case Officers have a bit of leeway within the immigration instructions but as the policy is still quite new it is unclear how much leeway. The only way of knowing is to put in an application as long as you remember that you do not meet instructions so there is a fair chance the application will be declined.

      Please email me on if you wish to discuss further.

      Kind regards,

  20. Hello, I am a holder of essential skills visa( care giver) for 6 years from Oct 2007 – april 2013.But on may 2013 til present my visa was change to partnership visa because we swap with my husband as principal.
    Can you comment on this matter?

    Best regards,

    1. Hi Gluen,

      If you want to know if you qualify for a South Island Contribution Visa then I have to disappoint you. You need to have held an Essential Skills Work visa for the entire 5 year period between 22 May 2012 and 22 May 2017. This appears not to be the case in your situation.

      Kind regards,

  21. Hi, I am a holder of essential skills visa for 4 years, from 13/05/13 to present.My visa will expire on 13/05/19.But prior to that I am already working of the same field community support worker for 2 years but my visa was partnership visa.Can you comment on this. Cheers

    1. Hi Yorge,

      If you wish to know if you are eligible for a South Island Contribution Visa, I have to disappoint you. One of the criteria is that you must have held an Essential Skills work visa for 5 years between 22 May 2012 and 22 May 2017. This appears to be not the case in your situation.

      Kind regards,

  22. I would like to apply south island contribution work visa.
    I am 16.April.2012-up going work in dunedin
    CAN I Apply south contribution work visa

    1. Hi Youngmin,

      With the limited information I have I can’t tell for sure if you qualify for a South Island Contribution Visa. You seem to have the requested work experience, which is a good start.

      I tried to send you an email but it came back undelivered. You can send an email to if you wish to learn more.

      Kind regards,

    2. Hello Feija,

      My father currently holds a south island contributions visa and I am curious to if I as a dependent child qualify for a work visa.
      I am 19 years old, single and unemployed. I also did my schooling in New Zealand year 3 to year 13. When I finished last year I had to return to my native country. Upon returning I have received a job offer in New Zealand. From this information would I be able to get a work visa and if so which category work visa would I apply under
