
Employment rights

Every migrant sooner or later has to deal with employment and employment rights. For those wanting to apply for a work visa it is essential that they have a job offer. For others, for instance people applying for a visa via the Family Stream or people applying for a...

Work visa types

A work visa is a work visa, right? Not quite. All work visas will allow you to temporarily work in New Zealand. There are over 15 different subtypes of work visa. There are 3 main types of work visaOpen work visaJob search work visaEmployer Assisted work visa Open...

Celebrate christmas like a kiwi

Celebrating Christmas in New Zealand will be a different experience to what you would do at home, especially when you live in the northern hemisphere. The Christmas celebration arrived with the early European settlers, with Dutch explorer Abel Tasman celebrating the...

Be honest

­­Two recent, but very different cases have brought the attention to the importance of being honest when applying for a visa. The first case was from two people, both from Fiji, who applied separately for a resident visa based on their relationship with a New Zealand...

greener grass

Why do people migrate? The answer in most cases is a longing for change. Something in your home country isn't working. This was the case for me and my husband. We were looking for the proverbial ‘greener grass’. And we found it. We came to New Zealand three years ago...

why not?

How do you make the decision to go for it (or not)? Well, you could make a list with the pros and cons but how do you weigh ‘not seeing your grandkids grow up’ against ‘a better climate’. The short answer: you can’t. Or if you have seven reasons listed on the ‘GO’...
