What is the Immediate Skill Shortage List?

There are three Essential Skills in Demand Lists (ESID):

  1. Long Term Skills Shortage List (LTSSL)
  2. Immediate Skill Shortage List (ISSL)
  3. Canterbury Skills Shortage List (CSSL)

The ESID’s identify occupations that have an immediate (ISSL and CSSL) or sustained and ongoing (LTSSL) shortage of skilled workers. The LTSSL en ISSL are reviewed once a year. The CSSL is reviewed about 3 times per year.

Occupations on the LTSSL have a shortage of skilled workers throughout New Zealand and often globally as well. For the Immediate Skill Shortage List the shortage of skilled workers can be regional or New Zealand wide.

There are more differences between the LTSSL and the ISSL. If you have an occupation that is on one of the ESID lists a visa application may be simpler and you may have more visa options to choose from. However, having an occupation that is on the Immediate Skill Shortage List only has an effect on Work Visa applications.

It is important to realize that you also must meet the criteria on the list to take advantage of the benefits. For a lot of occupations on the ISSL a region is specified. This means if you are an Accountant (and you meet the requirements on the list for that occupation) and you have a job offer in Dunedin, you will have to meet standard work visa requirements. But if you find a job in Wellington, your visa application is easier, especially for your employer.

What has changed?

12 occupations added

  • Accountant (General) (a)
  • Carpenter (b)
  • Carpenter and Joiner (b)
  • Fibrous Plasterer (b)
  • Joiner (b)
  • Midwife (b)
  • Motor Mechanic (General) (b)
  • Panelbeater (b)
  • Roof Plumber (c)
  • Roof Tiler (c)
  • Solid Plasterer (b)
  • Vehicle Painter (b)

(a) only for the Auckland/Upper North Island, Wellington and Canterbury/Upper South Island regions
(b) for all regions of New Zealand
(c) only for the Auckland/Upper North Island, Waikato/Bay of Plenty, Canterbury/Upper South Island and Otago/Southland regions

5 occupations removed

  • Dental Technician
  • Dentist
  • Medical Laboratory Technician (Phlebotomy and Histology Technicians)
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Poultry Farmer

What if my occupation is not on the list?

Don’t worry if your occupation is not on one of the ESID lists or if you do not meet the requirements of the list. You still may be able to apply for a work or resident visa. However, employers will have to meet the Labour Market Test. This is an assessment completed by Immigration New Zealand to see if there are no New Zealand citizens or residents available for the job you were offered.