Long Term Skill Shortage List

The Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL) is a list of occupations that are in demand in New Zealand. Every year Immigration New Zealand reviews the list after listening to industry bodies. Their members indicate where they have problems filling vacancies with suitably qualified New Zealand citizens or residents.

Immigration New Zealand amends the LTSSL around March every year.

This year no new occupations are added to the LTSSL. The following occupations are removed:

  • Registered Nurse – Aged Care
  • Registered Nurse – Critical Care and Emergency
  • Registered Nurse – Medical
  • Registered Nurse – Perioperative
  • Ship’s Engineers
  • Ship’s Masters
  • Ship’s Officers

The outcome of the review also kept Chef on the LTSSL. Registered Nurse (Aged Care) moved from the LTSSL to the ISSL for all regions of New Zealand.

Migrants applying for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) may gain bonus points. They need to have an offer of employment, work experience and/or qualifications in an area of absolute skill shortage identified on the LTSSL. However, they must meet the requirements on the list to claim points.

Migrants may also be eligible for a Work to Residence visa – Long Term Skill Shortage List. When they apply for an Essential Skills Work Visa the process for employers is easier.

Immediate Skill Shortage List

The Immediate Skill Shortage List (ISSL) identifies occupations that have an immediate shortage of skilled workers either throughout New Zealand or in certain regions. Migrants who obtain a job offer in an occupation on the ISSL may be granted work visas under Essential Skills instructions. However, they must meet the specified qualifications and/or experience requirements.

The outcomes of the review of the ISSL are to:

  • add the following 7 occupations:
    • Bricklayer (a)
    • Cabler (Data and Telecommunications) (c)
    • Composite Technician (c)
    • Floor Finisher (b)
    • Stonemason(a)
    • Telecommunications Cable Jointer (c)
    • Telecommunications Technician (c)
  • (a) only for the Auckland/Upper North Island region.
  • (b) only for the Auckland/Upper North Island and Waikato/Bay of Plenty regions.
  • (c) for all regions of New Zealand

Removed occupations

  • Registered Nurse (Mental Health)
  • Upholsterer

However, submissions to move Apiarist from ISSL to the LTSSL were declined.

How do the changes affect you?

No job offer yet

Don’t panic, if you have an occupation that is no longer on the list but you do not have a job offer or work in New Zealand yet. Just because these occupations are no longer in demand, doesn’t mean you will not be able to find a job. A visa may still be granted if you meet the requirements.

Your occupation is no longer on the list

You can’t claim bonus points in an SMC application if your occupation is no longer on the LTSSL. Generally speaking, if you have a job offer (outside of Auckland), a recognised qualification, several years of relevant work experience and you are younger than 45, you probably will still be able to obtain enough points. Of course, every person and every circumstance is different so please check thoroughly (or get help) to see if you qualify.

However, If you are currently on an Essential Skills work visa and need to renew your visa, you may be affected. Your employer will now have to prove that they can’t find a suitable New Zealand candidate for this position before a (new) visa may be granted.

If you are on a Work to Residence (LTSSL) visa and you work in one of the occupations that is removed from the LTSSL, you no longer are able to apply for a resident visa after 2 years. You might be eligible to apply for a resident visa under the Skilled Migrant Category though.

If you just want to start your EOI process or your EOI is in the pool double check that:

  • you only claim (bonus) points when you meet requirements
  • you still have enough points to make the required pass mark

If you are concerned about how these changes might affect you, ask me a question via the button below. I’m happy to look with you at your situation and see what the best option is for you.

Feija van Bokhoven is the Managing Director of Experienz Immigration as well as a Licensed Immigration Adviser. In this capacity she has helped numerous clients obtain a visa for New Zealand and helped them fulfill their dream of living in New Zealand. 

Ask Feija a question